Thursday, October 15, 2020

Positivity Not Perfection: How to Love the Skin You’re In

It can be easy to find yourself striving for perfection, but in doing so you can do more harm than good. By finding love in yourself for who you are and what you have, you can find more happiness in life. If you’re unsure of where to begin, don’t worry! Here are six ways to help you love the skin you’re in:

1. Own your Yoni

Part of self-love is loving every aspect of you and your body and this includes your yoni! Too many times have people felt unable to embrace themselves in regard to their vaginas and menstrual cycles, but why are these topics so taboo? Having a period is completely normal, and talking about it should be too.

You might be thinking, what is there to even consider in terms of my period? For starters, think about the products you’re using. There is no way to truly tell what your tampons are made of since there are no regulations in place to do so. Thankfully, there are tampons made of organic cotton, so you can know exactly what you’re putting into your body. Unfortunately, that doesn’t solve the issue that tampons can be extremely uncomfortable, and may not get the job done for you. 

Try something new

Maybe you’ve noticed the rise in popularity of menstrual cups, and it’s for good reason. This product is the perfect way to learn more about your body, improve your period experience, all while finding love for yourself. Before you can make a purchase, you have to determine a few things such as your flow and the height of your cervix. This is because you can purchase menstrual cups in various sizes, making your period more comfortable and worry-free. These cups are made from medical-grade silicone, provide up to twelve hours of leak protection, and are designed with a finger indent to make insertion and removal a breeze. 

Positivity Not Perfection: How to Love the Skin You're In 1

2. Enjoy exercise for the sake of exercise

With exercise comes many benefits that you’re likely to be aware of such as weight loss, improved health, and prevention of diseases, just to name a few. However, have you ever thought to work out simply to just workout? Finding time throughout your day to work up a sweat can help you to release endorphins and improve your muscle strength, leaving you feeling stronger and better than before. 

While exercising can bring you positive changes, you should work out simply because you enjoy it as that will keep you motivated for a positive reason. Simple tasks you can do to increase your heart rate are yoga, walks on your lunch break, or even a bike ride in the afternoon. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, try a new exercise class such as a boot camp, lift weights, or go for a run. Either way, finding love for exercise can help you appreciate all that your body is capable of while having fun. 

3. Appreciate your body

Your body is responsible for a lot. Think about it; your skin and bones work to protect your organs, your brain is the command center that sends signals to the rest of your body, among all the other tasks we’re unaware of as the day goes on. Your body functions to keep you alive and well, so why are we so hard on it? Between meals out of convenience, lack of sleep, and overworking yourself to the point of stress and exhaustion, your body might require some TLC. 

Love your body

On top of that, we tend to be overly critical of the way our body looks. It can feel easier to find the things you dislike versus the things you admire about your body, but when you put into perspective all that it does, it becomes easier to appreciate your body. For example, many women often become aware of stretch marks and would rather hide them than put them on display, but this shouldn’t be the case. Stretch marks can show that you’re capable of surviving change, whether that be from weight loss, or having a baby, and that goes to show that you’re also strong. 

To appreciate your body more, and give it that extra care it may be looking for, consider making some minor changes in your day-to-day life. For example, take the time to make more mindful meals that will fuel your body and give you the energy you need to complete tasks. You should also allow yourself to get a proper amount of sleep each night so that you feel your best when you wake up each morning. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a break, whether it’s saying no to an additional task, or even taking a day off. It’s important to care for your body as much as it cares for you.

4. Change your thought process

Sometimes, it might feel easier to listen to negative thoughts that circle through your head. However, changing your point of view can make a world of difference in the way you think about yourself. Lack of self-love can hinder your ability to enjoy life and leave you feeling negative about yourself. To help change this, begin your mornings by speaking aloud some positive affirmations. A few phrases you can try are:

  • I am beautiful.
  • I am smart, strong, and successful.
  • My imperfections make me unique and special.
  • I deserve success and happiness. 

Ultimately, positive affirmations are meant to help reinforce the things you are saying and help you to believe them. By finding areas of yourself you may want to improve in terms of self-love, positive affirmations can help you do so. 

5. Reward yourself

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “treat yourself”? If so, it’s for good reason! Rewarding yourself for wins, no matter how big or small, is important as it shows that you’re recognizing that you deserve the success and acknowledgment. There are plenty of ways that you can treat yourself, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and spend a lot of money. 

Treat yourself

Since self-love is all about regard for your wellbeing and happiness, your rewards must do exactly that; make you happy. Small activities such as a relaxing bubble bath, sample a new skincare routine, taking a nap, or reading a book are excellent ways to give back to yourself without spending any money. However, if there’s a special item (like those shoes you’ve been wanting), a little retail therapy doesn’t hurt either. Even if it’s a simple purchase like a bouquet of flowers to brighten up your room, something small can go a long way for your overall wellbeing

6. Step outside of your comfort zone

This can be incredibly helpful in finding love for yourself. Too many times do we deny ourselves the possibility of happiness because we’re afraid of the outcome. Regardless if it’s something simple like a new outfit, hairstyle, or activity, trying things outside of your comfort zone, can introduce you to things you may have never known that you would like. You may be wondering how to overcome your fear of the unknown, and the first step in doing so is to allow yourself to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. By doing so, you can open doors for endless possibilities to try something new. 

Of course, you’re not limited to just these ways of self-love. By finding what works best for you, and what makes you truly happy, you will be able to love yourself for all that you’re worth. 

The following post Positivity Not Perfection: How to Love the Skin You’re In was first published on Annmarie Skin Care.

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