Wednesday, May 3, 2017

3 Healthy Eating Hacks that will Improve Your Life Right Away

Today’s article is courtesy of Danette May, America’s leading healthy lifestyle expert.

You’re busy. We all are. You want to eat healthier but the thought of learning and adopting a new diet just feels like one more time-consuming chore.

With so much to do, who has the time and energy? Well, here’s some good news: it’s easier than you think!

There’s no doubt that if you research all the different diets and try to learn new recipes and habits it can be overwhelming. There’s no need to do that. Why make things harder on yourself than they need to be?

If you adopt these 3 healthy eating hacks, you’ll find you feel better right away, with very little effort. In fact, you may end up having extra time on your hands!

Create a Seasonal Menu and Stick to it

One of the best ways to eat healthily is to take advantage of the season’s fresh local produce.

Find a farmers’ market in your area or join your local CSA (community supported agriculture) that delivers vegetables and fruit for easy pickup. Learn what is available and create a weekly menu that doesn’t stray from these choices.

Not only will shopping be easier, but having less variety in your diet will actually help keep your weight down!

Studies have shown that if you cut down on the different foods you eat, you will have an easier time of maintaining weight loss.

Try creating a couple of weekly rituals like Salad Saturday or Taco Tuesday. That makes planning meals easier.

Keep Healthy Snacks Handy

How many times have you gone searching through your cabinets or fridge looking for something to eat, then ended up eating candy or cookies?

If there had been a bowl of beautiful strawberries sitting on your counter, wouldn’t you have eaten them instead?

There’s a lot to be said for keeping healthy, fresh food easily accessible. Keep fruit in front of your family in a bowl that they know will always be there.

Don’t’ just buy carrots and celery – cut them up so they are easier to grab. And put those unhealthy snacks high up out of reach – or better yet, don’t buy them in the first place.

Remember Mindfulness

You don’t have to have a regular meditation practice to be mindful about your diet. All you need to do is slow down and take the time to think about what you’re eating.

That means that when you find yourself reaching for food, you take the time to ask yourself whether you are hungry or if you’re really just bored. You look at the food that you’ve reached for and ask whether it will advance your goals or work against what you’ve already achieved.

And when you are eating, take the time to savor the taste, smell and texture of each bite.

Studies have shown that people who slow down and eat mindfully can lose up to 10 pounds per year.

That’s a big difference that involves very little effort!

Yours in health and happiness,

Danette May

If you’re looking for deliciously healthy and simple recipes to incorporate more healthy eating hacks into your day, grab a copy of Danette’s cookbook that’s filled with over 150 quick and easy fat burning recipes. Click here to order –> Bikini Body Recipes

The following post 3 Healthy Eating Hacks that will Improve Your Life Right Away was first published on Annmarie Gianni Skin Care.

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